Sunday 19 May 2024

The changing political discourse in Kashmir

If I have not misinterpreted the texts (gestures, interactions, observations, interviews, conversation...) . It is first time since 1989 elections in Kashmir that people  of Kashmir especially in North division of valley are highly involved and interested in parliament elections.
Generally elections and election process in Kashmir has been in vague. The scrapping of article 370 and 35 of Indian constitution has changed the political discourse and trajectory in valley. It is worth to mention that article 370 and 35 of Indian constitution had provided special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It has  covert dimensions of social and cultural preservation besides political relation of the state with the of India. 
On 5th of August 2019, the Bhartiya Janta Party led by Shri Narendra Modi not only revoked special status of the state but statehood also. The revocation was followed by curfew, information black out and mass arrest of people. Which includes common masses, mainstream politicians and separatist. The Modi government justified the move to avoid civilian casualties.
Among the arrestees Er. Abdul Rashid Sheikh who had contested election and was elected by the people to represent them in the state legislature from Handwara Langate. Although his actions within legislature and on roads was often caughting the attention of masses all over Kashmir but his influence was not much beyond the Handwara.
His arrest apparently had not made any public implications for the most of the analyst but few sociologists had been able to identify the impact. Dr Adfer Rashid Shah a Delhi based Sociologists and political commentator on Kashmir in an informal interaction noted, " Er has great impact on people this can be inferred from the local gathering. People in personal gatherings curse people of Kashmir for not doing anything for his (Ers release)".  In the changed political and administrative set up people had their own logic and calculation behind the silence. In post revocation of the special status and statehood people had acted like liquids, just spilled here and there. There has been no mass gathering, resistance, hartals (strikes) protests or other forms of resistance which otherwise had been "normal" routine in Kashmir.
As the parliament elections for three seats in Kashmir knocked the door the political. The impact of frozen political vassel was noticed. It has been first time since 1989 when there has been no election boycott or forced voting threat, call or force.  With every passing day there was not appearant heat to the frozen political pot in Kashmir.  The filling and acceptance of application  by Er Abdul Rashid Sheikh for Barahmulla Parliamentary seat started to generate some heat. The campaign by two sons of the jailed contestant not melted the frozen political pot in North Kashmir but it started to garner heat in whole Kashmir.  The rallies carried out by his two sons received great public support. Although gathering of people in rallies is not something new and conclusive in Kashmir. It has been found in past, there are the  people who participated in one political in the morning and in the other (of the opponent) in the evening. However, the gathering of people in the rallies of jailed contestant has altogether a different meaning and interpretation.  The huge participation of people in support of Er. Rashid in Naidkhai Sonawari which is native Village of sitting National Conference Parliamentarian has many sociological dimensions. The gathering in political rally of a jailed person who appearantly has no power and influence in native Village of a sitting parliamentarian who overtly has power, influence, friendship and kinship on his side also. This behaviour of the people can be termed as Weberian Affectual Action. In context of traditional societies, in the light of Almond and Verbs theories Affectual action can play pivotal role in the politics.
The observations and interaction impresses that there will be huge voter turnout for Barahmulla Parliamentary seat.  The boycott belts may also participate in the electroral process. This author met a number of people who are in their fourties and going to cast their vote first time. Their number has been higher from the areas who used to abstain or boycott electoral process. The results of the seat seems obviously set a particular trend. 
Whatever may be the outcome of the elections but Er. Rashid has been able to defreeze the frozen political pot. It has provided space to the liquid to spill in a direction. The Bhat's (2018) theory of liquid theory of social relations has it relation also to understand liquid politics.
Dr . Fayaz Ahmad Bhat is a former Academicians. He is contributing writer of Eurasia Review and Foreign Policy.