Sunday, 9 December 2012

social scientist: Kashmir Movement, How Many Options they Have

social scientist: Kashmir Movement, How Many Options they Have: This refers to recent news item regarding Syed Ali Geelani’s threat of starting agitations after Eid-al-Azha. The news has sparked online...

Kashmir Movement, How Many Options they Have

This refers to recent news item regarding Syed Ali Geelani’s threat of starting agitations after Eid-al-Azha. The news has sparked online debate and heated discussions.  After an hour of the news break, one of my friends updated his status on Facebook, “History will bear testimony to the fact that “Calendar revolution brought death to the ever rising revolution’. Our leaders are suffering from 'policy paralysis”.
The update of my friend is not mere depiction of words and sentences but exhibits the state of his mind. He seems fed up, infuriated and dismayed with any course of action which subscribe strike. This may not be state of mind of my friend only there; may be many others who are sailing in the same board.
In response to my friend I wrote on his wall, “Without reading the text, understanding context, jumping to conclusion is most pestilent unfortunate a nation can have. I think if we have sixth sense and understanding of history I don’t think we should have been here”. By these words I just tried to convey, why Geelani came with such a statement, whether he has given a calendar or is just a threat which in political terminology is called diplomacy and most importantly what I want to know - Do we have other option?
My friend was quick enough to respond. He wrote, “Mentally awake leaders never wait for opportunities to arise; they create their own. It took me two years to draw this conclusion with loads of analysis on text and context. Point to stress is do we need out of box thinking now or shall we stick to these old unyielding ways?”
The words and language which my friend used made me understand the severity of aggravation my friend was going through. No doubt he was referring to 2009 and 2010 “unyielding” strikes and martyrdom of hundreds of Kashmiri’s. This is not the question which haunts my friend only but many others. Let me make one thing clear, if Kashmir cause exists any where it is not because of people like me and my friend who enjoy deluxe life in AC rooms outside Kashmir. It exists only and only because people of Kashmir who time and time again nourished the cause with their blood.
The response he came with is not only controversial and illogical but impractical too. Whatever we hear about Kashmir at global level is to large extend due to tactics which he called ‘unyielding’. There is a concept of inertia in physics which says, if a body is at rest it remains at rest or if a body is in motion it remains in motion until it is not disturbed to change that state. The Kashmir movement in its present context is in motion and there are attempts by resisting forces to change the state of Kashmir movement. I do believe that strikes and shutdowns will never bring freedom to Kashmir and too frequent strikes will have negative effect.
The thing here to stress is if tactics are unyielding and fruitless, there may be way out. If there is at all any, why don’t we come up with that? That will yield fruits and save economic, educational what so ever loss we are having with calendars. It is easy to play with words like “think out of box” blah blah but practicality is something different. When Balgangadhar Tilak, in his book Kesari 1904 during India’s freedom struggle painted moderate and constitutional methods of Indian National Congress with croak of a frog, who croak once in a year, he did oppose INC tactics which were based on constitutional methods like Bandhs and present day’s calendars. Tilak did not only just criticize these tactics but came with alternate means and methods. How many of us are ready to go for those means and methods again?
Let me come to his another point, which needs appreciation and admiration, rightly said real and true leaders don’t wait for opportunities, they create them. The opportunities are created or come rarely in history, where we in Ragda 1 and Ragada 2.Without giving credit to any leader of Kashmir, there was great opportunity created during Amarnath Row 2009 where were we, perhaps enjoying our lives outside Kashmir or in Kashmir, concerned with our future and career.  
Kashmir movement is at such a crucial stage where nation needs not our life, time, career or whatever we may call it, but just to shun dreams of deluxe life which you and me are birthing. It is really a misfortune for a nation that people like me belong to it, who have been domesticated and colonized through so called education.