Jammu Kashmir State Board for Professional Entrance Examinations has issued an admit card to a cow with the signature of the Chairman on it. This reflects the sorry state of affairs of education, government and Administration in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The following write up attempts to make humor out of it. All are requested to take easy.
The Gaws (cows) and Dands (ox) have been victim of human exploitation and brutalities since times immemorial. But with the change of government at Delhi (center) and in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, amid Modi wave in the country there have been positive changes and developments in the Insaan (human) Gupan (animal) relations. The government initiated many policies and programmes across the country for the welfare of Gupan community. Of these policies andprogrammes beef ban in the many states of the country was much discussed and praised. With BJP- PDP coalition government in the state headed by Mufti Mohammad Syed there was great pressure on the Syed from its coalition partner, BJP to take bold steps for the welfare and promotion of Gupan community.
It was fallout of beef ban in the country and great pressure on Syed from BJP that state government finally came with the policy for the welfare and development of the Gupan community. The state government formulated the policy which made Gupans eligible for competitive exams. The policy has been praised for its potential of liberating Gupans from age old chains and bondages of humans. It was outcome of the beef ban in the country and welfare policy the state that Gupans have finally decided to contend humans in all the walks of the life. It is Kachir Gaw (red cow) who has decided to take a lead and set an example by applying for Professional Entrance Examination (elitist exam of the state) in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Appreciating and applauding her daughter Gura Dand,( Brown Ox) the father of Kachir Gaw appealed all cows to come forward and show humans beings their way and compete them in all the walks of life. It is 21st century the age of modernization, liberation and democracy in which none can deny freedom, liberty and equality to others, Gur Dand, said. While talking to media persons in the late evening Kachir Gaw, gave full credit to PDP-BJP coalition government of the state for curbing humans and creating conducive environment in the state in which a Gaw (cow) can challenge humans and debunk the traditional myth of human superiority. “Days are gone when humans were milking a cow, now it is their turn”, said Kachir Gaw.
The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Examination, while giving full credit to BJP- BDP coalition government of the state said that it is only with the policies and programmes of the government that all the communities of the state are feeling safe and free and have gained self confidence. The recent development is an example and it is first time in the history that a Gaw (cow) has applied for such competitive exam, the chairman added. He grilled all those who have raised question marks on the eligibility of Kachir Gaw. These are the people who are living in fool’s paradise, who make hue and cry on the eligibility of Kachir Gaw in 21st century in the age of democracy, equality, liberty and freedom.
The Minister of education while briefing the media persons defended the decision of the government said that a high level committee was set up to examine the eligibility of Kachir Gaw. The committee looked at the issue from various angles and perspectives and finally reached to the conclusion that it would be inhuman, illogical and illegal to bar the Kachar Gaw from appearing in the examination. The committee in their 200 long pages report has thrown weight behind their decision by producing examples of many Dands and Gaws enrolled in various educational institutions of the state and working in the various departments of the state. The report reads that “it is very inhuman, illogical, and illegal to bar the Kachar Gaw from appearing in the examination when a Dand has already ruled the state for many years”.
The National Commission for Gaws, has appreciated the decision of the government and said it would be written with golden words in the history. Many prominent Gaminists (as feminist related to women Gamists to cows) and Enimists (humanist to humans and Enimist to animals) called the development beginning of breaking natural bias.